EASE® Speaker Modelling
EASE® is arguably the most commonly used speaker simulation software platform. Australian Monitor offers various speaker models with EASE® files to enable our customers and specifiers to determine the best Australian Monitor product and quantities required to correctly reinforce the space in question.
EASE Address
EASE® Address allows software modelling of distributed reinforcement systems in two dimensions and is regularly used for ceiling speaker modelling.
EASE® Address is a free application and can be downloaded here.
EASE Focus
EASE® Focus 3 is an acoustic simulation program allowing 3D modelling of line arrays, sub arrays, digitally steered columns and conventional loudspeakers.
EASE® Focus 3 is a free application and can be downloaded free here.
EASE® GLL viewer allows you to view EASE® GLL files, extract additional manfutacturer information and run calculations.
EASE® GLL viewer is a free application and can be downloaded here.
Australian Monitor EASE® files
QuickFit Ceiling Speaker EASE® and EASE® Address files.
XRS Speaker EASE® files
CS Column Speaker EASE® files
MPH5300 Horn Speaker EASE® files
EASE® is a registered trademark of AFMG Technologies GmbH